Program, June, 23rd 2021, CEST time (UTC +2)
Opening Remarks
First Talk
- 11:30 - 12:30
Analyzing and Designing the Security of a Mobile Platform
Professor Soteris Demetriou (Imperial College London, UK)
Second Talk
- 12:30 - 13:30
Why is Hard to Secure Mobile Proximity Services
Professor Daniele Antonioli (EURECOM, France)
Lunch break
SecMT Accepted Paper
- 14:00 - 14:30
Pass-As-You-Go: A Direct Anonymous Attestation-based Untraceable Contactless Transit Pass
Aı̈da Diop (Ericsson), Nicolas Desmoulins (Orange), and Jacques Traoré (Orange)
Closing Remarks