Challenge exam information
You have to enroll to the exam of "ETHICAL HACKING" available on Uniweb.
Tiem and place:
- June, 22 14.30 in LabTA
- July, 12 09.30 in LabTA
Exam assignments distribution:
The exam assignments will be distributed through Moodle Esami at the start of the exam (please, make sure you have access to the Moodle platform through your SS0 credentials).
Exam execution:
You will find a SEEDLab VM already installed on the LabTA computers, with all the tools required to solve the exercises.
Once read the assignments, you can start solving the challenge to find the flag.
During the exam, you will have free access to Internet. Sharing the flag or the solutions of the challenges is prohibited.
Solution submission:
As soon as you find the flag/s, you will have to upload it/them, together with the source code of your solution and a brief write-up, on Moodle.
We consider a challenge solved only if you found the flag/s and you submitted it/them on Moodle.
Don't forget to upload the flag/s, otherwise you will be given zero points!
During the exam, you will find 4 hints for each challenge on Moodle. If you open one or more hints, you will loose points according to the following criterion:
each hint has a different weight and you will loose a number of points equal to the highest hint you open.
In particular, the first hint counts 3 points, the second 6 points, the third 9 points and the fourth 12 points.
Some examples:
- The challenge has 30 points and you open ONLY the first hint --> the maximum final score you can get for that challenge is 27.
- The challenge has 30 points and you open ONLY the third hint --> the maximum final score you can get for that challenge is 21.
- The challenge has 30 points and you open the second and the fourth hints --> the maximum final score you can get for that challenge is 18.
Hints are helpful to find the flag, but will make you loose points. Use them carefully!
Final evaluation:
Your exam will be evaluated only considering the submitted flag/s and the number of hints opened for the challenge.
For each challenge, the final score will be calculated as follows:
Chall_score = (30) - (weight_of_highest_opened_hint_of__chall)
The final score of the exam will be the average of the all the challenge scores.